Intuition XQ for Business

XQ – the 21st Century Competitive Advantage
NSI creates mind-expansion protocols that integrate all forms of intuitive and creative thinking into valuable applications. XQ raises the level of innovative thinking to develop unique solutions.
- Decision Making – Accelerates process by integrating critical thinking and intuitive insights. Enhances objectivity and clarity.
- Disruptive Technology – be ahead of the game. Identify or create tomorrow’s market needs. New approach for creative thinking in R&D.
- Leadership – Empowerment through increased consciousness and independent thinking versus relying on others. Deepen your awareness of self and others.
- Strategy – Clarity in evaluating markets, identifying niches & future trends. Anticipate and prevent chaos and crises by thinking beyond models and connecting into the holographic paradigm.
- Futuristic Scenarios – Learn how to feel resonance, synchronicity, similarities, & flow channels to create successful forecasting scenarios
- Negotiation – gain insights into the other party’s intentions and hidden agenda, and influence end-results.
- Company Culture – Higher morale and employee retention by creating inspirational and employee centric Intuitive or XQ Culture.
- Recruitment – Significantly sharpen evaluation and interview skills. Select best match.
- Mergers & Acquisitions – choose the best course for mergers-and-acquisitions decisions.
- Comprehensive Analyses – Integrate intuition with quantitative and qualitative data analysis to obtain focused & applicable conclusions.
XQ: Laser Sharp Mind
Train the Brain to be the Competitive Advantage
XQ is Powerful &
Easy to Learn
Easy to Learn
The XQ Protocol shuts off the mind talk while accelerating the flow of intuitive insights and creative ideas.
Train Your Employees & Create Your Inhouse XQ Team
Avoid outside consultant issues: High costs, confidentiality & IP risks, lack of experience in your field.
The client: #1 niche leader in sports manufacturing
Problem: New paintball gun technology was in the prototype testing phase and was not working properly. Engineers believed there was a loss of pressure inside the paintball gun.
XQ assignment: Find out what the problem is in the mechanism of this new technology
Findings: The NSI viewer used the XQ Surel Methodology to locate the problem in the gun but did not find anything malfunctioning. However, the viewer repeatedly got information that there was a problem outside the gun. The NSI viewer was puzzled because it did not make logical sense. The viewer did another XQ session on: What is this problem outside the paintball gun? The finding was that there was another piece that fit onto the gun. There was a problem with this other piece fitting on the gun – some sort of gasket that was malfunctioning.
Client Feedback: The client was also very surprised still thinking the problem was inside the gun. The client then looked at the CO2 container that fits onto the gun and discovered a critical piece that was not fitting correctly onto the paintball gun.
Conclusion: The NSI XQ session saved the client critical time and money by finding the problem where they were not looking.[br]___________________________________________________________________________________[br]NO PROBLEM CAN BE SOLVED FROM THE SAME LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS THAT CREATED IT. Albert Einstein[br]_____________________________________________________________________________________
TESTIMONIALS:[br]”She is amazing with diagnostics ! …she found out what we were working on and talking about during our last sessions”. Client 2012
“. . . the tools I am learning in critical thinking are better and faster than psychotherapy”. 2015 PhD EMU student.
The client: Leader in a sector of sports industry
Problem: Client looking to consolidate the market by acquiring or merging with another significant sports company. Client’s goal was to acquire more market shares. There were three potential target companies. The client had already selected what they thought was the best but wanted confirmation.
XQ assignment: The NSI viewer was given the names of the three companies not knowing which one the client was looking at. The viewer had no knowledge about any of these companies.
Findings: Using the XQ Surel Methodology the viewer found that company A was having “below the surface” problems, there was a drain, it was financial, in time the company disappeared. In Company B there was a person, a decision-maker, who felt dishonest. There was a feeling of murkiness, lack of direction. The Viewer asked if it was a good match for his client and the information that appeared was: in time there is chaos, and the situation is very messy. For Company C the information the Viewer got was: clarity, flow of business, growth although not big, but steady.
Client Feedback: The client was stunned because the company they had decided to approach was Company A with Company B as their second choice. They had not really considered Company C because it had a low profile but gave it to the Viewer so that there were three targets/companies instead of just two to look at. Since the Client had worked with NSI before and trusted the findings, they decided to hold off and do their own investigation. Months later the client discovered that client A was in fact in financial trouble but trying to hide it from the public. Company B they realized had given them false information and had stopped paying them. Furthermore other suppliers were not being paid by Company B whose financial troubles were surfacing. After doing more in-depth due diligence on Company C, they opted for that one. Years later the client still feels this was the best option
Conclusion: Had it not been for NSI’s XQ work, the client would have chosen the wrong company because they would never had considered Company C. NSI saved the client from significant financial problems.
How to identify true intuitive insights versus letting emotions and opinions mire your clarity and objectivity. Once you can identify what is intuition and what is an opinion, you build confidence in applying your intuitive insights. You will learn to naturally integrate all of your cognitive skills to include intuition, remote viewing, and critical thinking.
Steve Jobs
Oprah Winfrey
Scientific findings reveal that intuition or gut-feeling is a combination of: life experiences, tacit knowledge, using our unconscious mind to gather information from a human’s energy field, and our natural ability to tap into future events. Intuitive insights are oftentimes Not related to our knowledge base or experience (McCraty et al. 2004).
Hard to believe?
Here are a few compelling facts:
- Skin reacts to an event 5 seconds before it happens (Radin,1997)
- Experiments on intuition using EEG to measure cardiac changes and relate them to specific cortical activity: the body responds to intuitive stimulus many seconds before the individual registers the activity. The EEG measurements demonstrated the heart triggers the reaction, not the brain.
- The study proved our body “is continuously scanning the future”. (McCraty et al., 2004, p. 133)
- It is common knowledge in quantum physics that particles separated by a huge distance experience instant communication of data and that particles have the knowledge of the activity before it happens.
- Sheldrake’s experiment on the feeling of being stared at comprised of 30,803 individuals with a very significant statistical indication that people are able to pick-up on the feeling of someone staring at them without knowing if a person is there or not (2005, Sheldrake, The Sense of Being Stared At).
- In another experiment with a male mongrel terrier dog, Sheldrake’s findings demonstrate that the dog was able to anticipate his owner’s return at least 10 minutes in advance in 27 out of 33 trials (1997, Sheldrake & Smart, Psychic pets: a survey in North-West England. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 68, 353-364)
McCraty, R., Atkinson, M., & Bradley, R. T. (2004). Electrophysiological evidence of intuition: Part 1. The surprising role of the heart. The Journal of Alternative and Compelementary Medicine, 10, 133-143. Retrieved October 10, 2005, from ProQuest database.
Miller, C., & Ireland, D. H. (2005). Intuition in strategic decision making: Friend or foe in the fast-paced 21st century? Academy of Management Executive, 19, 19-30. Retrieved October 4, 2005, from EBSCOhost database.
Pinizzotto, A., Davis, E., Miller, C. (2004). Intuitive policing. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, 73(2).
Radin, D. I. (1997). Unconscious perception of future emotions: An experiment in presentiment. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 11, 163-180.
Sheldrake, R. & Smart (1997). Psychic pets: a survey in North-West England. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 68, 353-364
Sheldrake, R. (2003). The sense of being stared at. New York, Crown Publishers.
Worrall, John (2012). The Police Sixth Sense: An Observation in Search of a Theory. Southern Criminal Justice Association. American Journal Criminal Justice DOI 10.1007/s12103-012-9176-0.
Have you ever:
- Come up with a great idea out-of-the-blue?
- Received important relevant information about a situation without being sure where it came from?
- Asked certain questions, without logical association, and obtained critical information?
- Felt the need to analyze data more meticulously, even though it appeared unnecessary, and acquired pertinent information for the perfect solution?
- Felt the urge to change plans, without necessary reason, and were glad you did?
- Went back to review information that didn’t feel quite right and found out your hunch was right?
- Had a clear feeling about a future trend that proved correct?
- Re-adjusted team strategy on a hunch and got superb results?
- Had a certain feeling about someone you were about to hire which turned out to be correct?
If you answered yes to just one of these, then you are a normal, intuitive person.
CLICK HERE to learn how to develop and manage this powerful skill
- Maximize the results of your decisions by integrating rational analysis with intuitive thinking
- Increase your effectiveness as a leader by deepening your awareness of self and others
- Enhance strategy development and clarify in evaluating markets, identifying niches and future trends.
- Increase forecasting accuracy and identify trends by using the laws of resonance, synchronicity, and flow channels
- Achieve transformational innovation in product development/R&D efforts
- Sharpen negotiation skills through gaining insights into the other party’s intention and motivation
- Increase employee motivation and retention by creating a value-based organizational culture
- Enhance evaluation and interview skills in employee recruitment
- Develop strategic insights to choose the best course for mergers-and-acquisitions decisions
- Integrate intuition thinking with quantitative and qualitative data analysis
NSI training goes to the root of intuitive intelligence and covers all aspects of learning how to recognize one’s own intuitive signals and developing them into useful applications. Every person is different and has his/her own intuitive language to discover. NSI provides specific, fun exercises that support the development of intuitive intelligence while learning to be and operate in the present. None of the exercises involve meditation that distract from being in the present. NSI training teaches how to interact with the nonlocal realm while remaining grounded in reality.
Intuitive intelligence is a very grounded and conscious cognitive function that should be integrated into our normal thinking process. This is what NSI Training will help you achieve: a fully integrated and balanced creative thinking process.
Although the results of NSI training are immediate, it can also be a transformational journey. The more you practice the exercises and application of intuitive intelligence, the faster you will discover that you are using your gut feelings and intuitive insight as a normal part of your decision-making process and assessment of situations.
It is a fun adventure – you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
In 2003, AstraZeneca conducted a study to assess the role of intuition in the R&D process of drug development. At the time, AstraZeneca employed over 10,000 people in its R&D department, with a budget of $2.7 billion.
This study revealed that intuition is an intrinsic part of the creative process in drug discovery and thus an important organizational resource” (Sundgren & Styhre, 2004, p. 279).
They identified three distinct roles intuition can play in new drug development: First, intuition widens the breadth of thinking and opens the creative channels; second, it opens channels of communications between different scientific sectors; and third, it allows early identification of ideas that lead to scientific breakthroughs. In essence, the research implied intuition is the precursor to innovative thinking.
Sundgren, M., & Styhre, A. (2004). Intuition and pharmaceutical research: The case of AstraZeneca. European Journal of Innovation Management, 7(4), 267-279.
In a study conducted by Fortune Knowledge group and Gyro 720 US senior executives were interviewed on their decision-making process. 80% of the companies have annual revenues of $500 million or more and 41% report $10 billion or more.
- 62% of respondents contend that it’s often necessary to rely on “gut feelings,” and that soft factors should be given the same weight as hard factors
- 73% of marketers say that unquantifiable factors . . . make all the difference in their decision-making process
Scott Beth, VP of Finance Operations, Intuit
Patrick O’Hara, Chief Strategic Officer, GYRO
Ref.: 2014, Only Human:The Emotional Logic of Business Decisions. Fortune Knowledge Group
Business leaders are taking major strategic decisions about the future of their businesses based on their gut instinct and experience in preference to the use of data and analytics, according to a new report published by PwC and written by the Economist Intelligence Unit.
“Senior business leaders in the UK are using their intuition and experience, as well as the advice and experience of others in their companies, over and above data and analytics. When asked about how they make major decisions, they ranked:
- data and analytics as the third most important factor (23%)
- behind their own intuition and experience (41%) and
- the experience of others (31%).”
Starved of trustworthy customer intelligence, UK business leaders are relying on gut instinct to make crucial decisions according to a new report issued today.
- UK firms lack reliable customer data to make timely decisions
- Business leaders complain customer insight is the preserve of the powerful few
- In the age of social media and ‘big data’ analytics, half of leaders still rely on gut instinct to make decisions
The report, The Democratisation of Insight, by online survey platform Survey Monkey reveals that most business leaders (91%) believe powerful customer insight is the preserve of big brands with equally big research budgets.
Four in ten bosses (39%) complain that their business lacks the customer data required to make timely decisions, and four-fifths (83%) of leaders would like to access customer insight more regularly but complain it’s too expensive and too time-consuming to gather.
As a result, three-quarters (73%) of business leaders say that many decisions are made on gut instinct alone in their business in the absence of access to fast, reliable customer insight. When asked about their own behaviour, half (49%) of bosses admit they rely either mostly or completely on instinct alone when making business decisions. Barely one-in-ten (12%) rely mostly or solely on data.
Dave Goldberg, CEO of SurveyMonkey commented: “It’s not surprising that with all the data available today, business decision makers still rely on gut. This is because it’s hard to get quality, actionable data as fast as the speed of business.”
Keeping up with the customer
Most business leaders believe that today’s customers are more sophisticated (93%) and demanding (98%) than ever before, and that companies have to be more attuned to their needs (98%) and more responsive (97%) as a result.
Why ignoring gut instinct could make
your projects go belly-up
Researcher Chantal Burns interviewed 600 employees and found that[br] “…three out of four times your hunch will pay off, and that will save time, resources – and, ultimately, benefit the bottom line.”